EU’s digital sovereignty and the quest to double the EU’s microchip production

The lack of microchips may ruin the economic recovery in Europe after the corona crisis

The global lack of microchips is what prompted the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, to announce a new European Chips Act in her State of the Union speech 15. September 2021 with the remark, "there is no digital without chips". The Commission's ambition to gain tech sovereignty and increase the EU's microchips production from around 10 percent to 20 percent of the global production in 2030 is backed by the EU's member states. 

But setting up a European microchip is both complex and expensive, so what would be the best apporach? Please see the paper on this page, outlining the European quest to double its microchip production.

The Think Tank EUROPA does not take collective positions. This publication only represent the views of their individual authors.

European Union, 2012, Bruno Portela
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