European Politics

What will Bulgaria’s snap election mean for Europe – and Ukraine’s war effort?

27 September 2022 16.00 - 16.45

Webinar on the Bulgarian election

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Bulgarians will be heading for the polls for the fourth time in a little over a year on 2 October. The snap election was called after the previous government was toppled in June. 

Current polls show as many as seven or eight political parties may pass the four percent threshold. That could usher in a fragmented legislature with stronger representation of pro-Russian parties, potentially making the formation of a ruling coalition even more difficult.

This webinar will explore the possible outcomes of the election as well as its consequences for Bulgaria and Europe. Will a new government continue the hardline towards Russia? Or will the result have consequences for EU’s ability to uphold the sanctions towards Russia?


16.00-16.30 Discussion between Vessela Tcherneva, Deputy Director and Head of Sofia office, ECFR, and Lykke Friis, director, Tink Thank EUROPA

16.30-45 Questions 


September 27 at 16.00-16.45